Academic Calendar Advisory Committee
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- Academic Affairs Council
- Academic Calendar Advisory Committee
- Academic Integrity Committee
- Academic Scholarship Committee
- Athletics Advisory Council
- Campus Sustainability Committee
- Commencement Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Development Leave Committee, Faculty
- Distance Education Committee
- Distinguished Lecturer Series Committee
- Distinguished Professor Review Committee
- Evaluation Committee, Faculty
- Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments Committee, Faculty
- Excellence in Service Committee, Faculty
- Faculty Teaching Awards Committee
- Homecoming Steering Committee
- Honors College Advisory Committee
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
- Institutional Review Board Committee
- IT/Academic Advisory Committee
- Parking Appeals Committee
- Ring Committee
- Space Management & Utilization Committee
- Staff Excellence Award Committee
- Student Disciplinary Hearing Committee
- Student Services Fee Advisory Committee
- Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) Advisory Committee
- University Assessment Committee
- University Compliance Committee
- University Marketing Committee
- University Patent Committee
- Wellness Program Committee
- Women's Advisory Committee, Faculty
- Writing in the Disciplines Committee
Appointed by: President
Reports to: Vice Provost
Number of Members: 15
Faculty: 4
Staff: 9
Students: 1
Ex-Officio: 1
Updated: September 1, 2024
Purpose. Develops and recommends an academic calendar for presentation to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Member Appointments. The President makes all appointments. By virtue of position, the following members serve indefinite terms: Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of Graduate Studies, Dean of an Academic College (to be nominated as necessary by the Provost), Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Director of Admissions, Director of Financial Aid, and Director of Residence Life. One ex-officio member from the Registrar's Office. The University Faculty Senate nominates three members of the faculty who will serve three-year terms ending August 31. The Student Government Association President, the Chair of the University Faculty Senate (UFS), and the President of Staff Senate serve as members with a 1-year term ending August 31.
Chair Appointment. By virtue of position, the University Registrar will serve as chair.
Committee Members
Chair - Indefinite Term by Virtue of Position
Kari Zella, Registrar
Indefinite Terms by Virtue of Position
Anne Gaillard, Vice Provost
Somer Franklin, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Ken Hendrickson, Dean of Graduate Studies
Chien-pin Li, Dean of College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Erica Bumpurs, Executive Director of Student Health and Wellbeing
Kasey Shelton, Director of Admissions
Dana Grant, Director of Residence Life
Amy Wilson, Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Faculty Representatives
Term expires August 31, 2027
Berna Rahi, College of Health Sciences
Desiree Hickman, College of Education
Patrick Pearson, College of Arts and Media
University Faculty Senate Representative
Maria Botero, University Faculty Senate, Chair
Staff Senate President
Stacie Haynes, Staff Senate, President
Student Government Association President
Jared Scott, Student Government Association, President
Ex officio member
Jeremiah Gibson, Office of the Registrar
To Report Errors
All errors in committee listings should be reported in writing to:
Lila Alvarado