Freshman Year
Do I Need Advising?
As a freshman, you have no SHSU GPA, which means you fall within the mandatory advisement guidelines. You will need advisement before your first semester at SHSU and before your second semester.
You can visit the Do I Need Advising? page for more information.
Who's My Advisor?
At SHSU, your choice of major and its college decides who your advisor(s) and advising team is.
To find your advisor, please visit the Who's My Advisor? webpage and select your major.
To learn more about SAM Center advisors and advising team,s please visit the About Us webpage.
How Do I Get Advised?
Advisors at the SAM Center primarily use appointments for advising, but we do have limited walk-in availability.
You can visit the How Do I Get Advised? page for detailed instructions.
State & School Requirements
As a freshman, there are a few state laws and school policies that you need to know about. Please review the links below to learn about:
Be Prepared
You should never walk into an advising appointment with empty hands. Check out the Freshman Advising Checklist for more details.
Major/Minor Exploration
SHSU has over 80 undergraduate majors and even more minors that you can combine to create your personalized degree path. Click on the link and explore the Degrees Offered at SHSU (be sure to click the Undergraduate Level to remove graduate degrees from your view).
First Year Experience
Become immersed in the First Year Experience by being a part of a Living Learning Community, taking the University 1101 class (ask your advisor), and participating in the Common Reader Program.
Get Involved
Expand your academic experience and make new friends by being involved in Student Activities.
If you have more questions, just skim through the Frequently Asked Questions and you may find your answer. If not, ask your advisor during your appointment.

View our calendar to see upcoming events that may impact you and your course selections!
Follow our social media pages to get advising reminders throughout the semester. Never miss a critical deadline again!