
Our Brand Colors

Sam Houston State University’s official colors are orange and white. Color is an essential component of our identity; it is important that the color palette is used accurately.

pms 021c

c0, m72, y90, k0
r245, g100, b35
hex# f56423


c00, m00, y00, k00
r255, g255, b255

For web accessibility, when text appears in the SHSU Orange on a light background color the text must be Large (defined as 14 point; typically 18.66px) and bold or larger, or 18 point (typically 24px) or larger.

Primary Support Colors

pms 287c

c100, m80, y0, k15
r0, g73, b144
hex #004990

Cool Gray 10c

c0, m2, y0, k60
r87, g89, b91 
hex #57595B

pms 549c

c52, m6, y0, k25
r86, g155, b190
hex #569BBE


c0, m0, y0, k100
r0, g0, b0
Hex #00000

Accent Colors

The accent color options were selected to compliment the brand and primary support colors. The accent color palette provides options that may be used in combination with the brand colors and primary support colors, but should not be used as a substitute for the designated brand color.

pms 2955c pms 284c pms 642c pms 468c

c100, m38, y0, k64
r0, g58, b99
hex #003A63

c59, m19, y0, k0
r108, g173, b223
hex #6CADDF

c13, m2, y1, k1
r204, g222, b240
hex #CCDEF0

c6, m9, y23, k0
r238, g225, b198
hex #EEE1C6

pms 425c pms 558c pms 5405c pms 7466c

c48, m29, y26, k76
r95, g96, b98
hex #5F6062

c36, m3, y28, k4
r188, g214, b205
hex #BCD6CD

c58, m17, y0, k46
r59, g110, b143
hex #3B6E8F

c70, m0, y23, k0
r28, g190, b202
hex #1CBECA

pms 405c pms 7486c pms 440c pms 406c

c0, m10, y33, k72
r105, g94, b74
hex #695E4A

c59, m0, y100, k7
r108, g179, b63
hex #6CB33F

c62, m66, y65, k62
r56, g46, b43
hex #382E2B

c0, m5, y6, k16
r218, g208, b202
hex #DAD0CA