A Message from the President

For the past three decades, I have loved working in higher education. I’ve always felt part of something important, something impactful, wherever I have been and whatever my role.
People often ask me about the challenges facing higher education. The challenges have evolved over the years, but the difference now is that we must be innovative at a faster pace to meet demands shifting faster than ever before. Our programs must prepare students now and in the future for a life of work in constantly changing and evolving positions. At the same time, we must not forget our call to prepare students to live lives as meaningful contributors and leaders in their communities.
As educators and thought leaders, we are responsible for developing creative approaches and methodologies that remain pertinent in new, changing, and unknown contexts.
Sam Houston State University faculty continue to offer exceptional learning experiences to help graduates compete in an environment we can’t even fully imagine yet. For example, in August, we broke ground on the Agricultural Complex at Gibbs Ranch. Now in the first phase of construction, it will serve as a premier agricultural teaching and research hub to educate students on the latest practices that affect our food systems and to provide a greater understanding of sustainable practices that benefit society and the environment. This is just one example of how the University is transforming to meet the needs of an important industry.
Throughout these pages, you will read about other ways our faculty have readily responded to industry changes through innovative academic programs across disciplines. Also included is our annual Donor Report, recognizing the numerous alumni and friends whose generosity helps support our growth and success. I can’t think of a better time of year than during the holiday season to give special thanks to these individuals for their unwavering commitment to helping our students achieve their goals.

Alisa White
President, Sam Houston State University