
L'Eco del Castello, Op. 151, PP.143.8

"Echo from the Castle" is the most elaborate of all of the short dances in the collection. Ponchielli has divided the band into two unequal ensembles, the second one being identified in the score as "strumenti per l'eco" or "instruments for the echo." The A-flat clarinet, at least two B-flat clarinets, one flugelhorn, the two horns (the alto horn is left in the main ensemble), and one bombardone (an E-flat tuba) comprise this responding ensemble. All of the members of the group, except for the two horns, was likely a principal player.

Aside from the novelty, a hidden, grim reflection of Ponchielli's own state of mind is a notation on the score, seen only by Ponchielli, copyist Belforti, and vicemaestro Bissocoli.

egli grida: Cara! / l'eco risponde: Creppa! / Risultati attuali della natura!!!

One calls "Dear" - the echo responds "Death" - Nature's actual result!!!

Compare this to the Marcia funebre, No. 12 of 1869 where this morbid worldview is further expressed, almost to the point where friends might have been concerned for him. Many artists have extended periods of self-doubt, and Ponchielli's long drought will end in less two years.

Date on score: Wednesday, May 25, 1870

Performances: Thursday, August 11, 1870, Piazza Garabaldi; Sunday, May 14, 1871, Piazza Cavour; Thursday, May 18, 1871, Piazza Cavour; Sunday, June 1, 1873, Piazza Cavour


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