Zoom Webinars: Panelist

Panelist are full participants in the webinar and have many of the host controls including sharing video and viewing the attendee list.

  • Invite Panelist

    Hosts can invite panelist to their webinar prior to the start of the webinar. To invite a panelist to a webinar, log into Zoom at shsu.zoom.us

    1. Select Webinars
    2. Select the webinar you want to review the Q&A settings for.

    Select Webinar

    Scroll down to the Invitations section and select Edit in the Invite Panelist options.

    Invite Panelist

    In the Panelist options,

    1. Type the name of the panelist
    2. Type the email address of the panelist
    3. If more panelists need to be invited, select Add Another Panelist
    4. To send an invite to newly added panelist, ensure the box for that is checked
    5. Select Save
    6. If a panelist needs to be deleted, select Delete next to that panelist's name.

    Invite Panelist Options

  • Promote to Panelist

    Once the webinar has started, an attendee can be promoted to panelist. To promote an attendee to panelist, in the Participant listing, ensure you are viewing the Attendees. Hover the mouse over the name of the attendee to promote and select More.

    Attendee List More Options

    From the options, select Promote to panelist.

    Attendee List More Options 2

    A confirmation notice will display.

    Promote to Panelist Confirmation

  • Host Options for Panelist

    The webinar host has a variety of options for the panelist. To view and select the options, from the Participants list, ensure you are viewing the Panelists, hover over the panelist and select More.

    Panelist Select More Options

    The options will be displayed.

    Panelist Options for Host