SHSU Campus Response Level

Response levels provide a framework of mitigation efforts in correlation to a number of risk factors. This framework is a sliding scale which can move up or down. Even within each level, there is a range of actions that can be taken.

SHSU is at the low-end of Response Level 2. This level incorporates mitigation efforts indicated in Level 1 while considering additional actions that may be taken to continue to improve campus safety and awareness.

Response Level

Social responsibility Emphasize the service culture of SHSU to encourage voluntary implementation of personal preventive and other mitigation measures for individual safety and that of others
Physical distancing Stay 6 feet away from others
Facial covering Face coverings worn when near others outside your household
Hand hygiene Wash hands frequently (especially before preparing food, before and after eating, before and after touching face, before and after touching others, after using restroom). Place hand sanitizer at all entrances and high traffic areas.
Respiratory etiquette Cover mouth and nose with tissue or elbow if sneeze or cough.
Personal items (phone, pens, computer, water bottles, food, eating utensils, toiletries and makeup) Avoid sharing
Screen for symptoms (self- or managed-) Implement in healthcare, athletics, performing arts, and any other setting where mitigation measures may be limited.
Screen body temperatures (self- or managed-) Implement in healthcare, athletics, performing arts, and any other setting where mitigation measures may be limited.
Stay home when sick Encourage use of virtual classes and telecommuting for even mild symptoms.
Stay home for possible exposure due to travel, participation in mass event, illness in household, or if notified by contact tracer Based on CDC travel recommendations, Governor Executive Orders, recommendations of state and local public health officials, and university requirements.
Clean and disinfect “high touch” surfaces frequently Deep cleaning by custodial staff at least daily and make disinfectant wipes readily available throughout the day for campus community use.
Communal equipment Minimize use to reasonable extent, deep clean communal equipment in use at least daily, and make disinfectant wipes readily available throughout day if appropriate for equipment.
Hallways and public area Develop traffic flow patterns that decrease density
Elevators Encourage use of stairs, define appropriate capacity in signage at entrance, demarcate personal space on floor
Optimize building ventilation (filtration, air exchanges, percent drawn from outside) Recommended
University vehicles Physical distance (consider skipping rows in van), require facial covering, increase ventilation by opening windows when possible
Classroom Smaller classes in bigger rooms, Seating 6 feet apart (may require two empty seats between students and every other row left empty), facial coverings required, avoid seating arrangements with students facing each other, make virtual attendance possible (hybrid), track attendance accurately to facilitate contact tracing if needed, viral particle transmission has been correlated to loudness of voice
Computer Labs Decrease in-person density to 50%. Ensure physical distancing of 6 feet by removing key board and mouse from every other workstation, disinfecting wipes to be used by users between uses, deep cleaning of common equipment daily, consider allowing remote access of “disabled” workstations, consider expansion of hours of operation to decrease density
Education and Research Labs Clean and disinfect common equipment, consider physical barriers (plexiglass) when physical distance is not possible, avoid face to face seating without barrier, consider symptom and temperature screening
Communal areas (e.g. Library, LSC, Rec Center, Coliseum, Stadium, Concert halls, theatres) Cautiously utilize all above mitigation measures, follow all applicable state and local guidelines.
Social gatherings Private social interactions as per state or local guidelines and university requirements
Lines Discourage crowding and avoid forming large lines with long wait times, demarcate personal space on floor, ensure appropriate officials are present to monitor and provide guidance.
Performances, exhibitions, and other activities sanctioned by the university that are unable to utilize personal protective measures Cohort groups, encourage social responsibility to avoid other risky behaviors and utilize personal protective measures at all times when possible, perform self- or managed-symptom screening daily, perform self- or managed-temperature screening 1-2 times per day.
Miscellaneous Services
Student support services Provide services via distance delivery format when feasible, ensure above mitigation measures are in place for services delivered in person
Financial transactions Online payment options/services are encouraged, and ensure above mitigation measures are in place for services delivered in person.
Cafeterias and restaurants Avoid excessive lines with long wait times, decrease density and avoid seating facing others less than 6 feet, make take-out optional
Residence Halls Cautiously utilize all above mitigation measures. Discourage use of communal areas and spontaneous social gatherings larger than state and local guidelines.
Rec Center
Risk of transmission has been correlated to increasing level of exertion in closed spaces.
Space equipment at least 6 feet apart, everyone must clean hands upon entering, facial covering required when wearing is feasible, routinely disinfect items high touch surfaces, provide disinfecting wipes for between uses of equipment, deep cleaning of equipment daily
Healthcare-mental health Professional services predominately rendered by telehealth, group counseling via teleconferencing, facial coverings to be worn by all persons in Counseling Center
Healthcare-medical Schedule appointments based on clinical acuity, staffing, and PPE. Services should predominately be rendered via telehealth. Screen all patients for symptoms and risk. Screen body temperature for all in-person visits. Facial coverings to be worn by all persons in clinic
Vulnerable students Encourage utilization of virtual learning options and avoid communal housing
Vulnerable faculty and staff Encourage use of single occupancy work rooms, telecommuting if feasible, or to work with supervisor and HR for other possible accommodations
Mass events Mass event size as per state or local guidelines and university president with physical distancing (alternate rows and 2 empty seats between persons from different households), required use of facial coverings, consider health checks for attendees (screening for symptoms and/or body temperature), consider virtual options
Social responsibility Emphasize the service culture of SHSU to encourage voluntary implementation of personal preventive and other mitigation measures for individual safety and that of others
Physical distancing Stay 6 feet away from others
Facial covering Face coverings worn when near others outside your household
Hand hygiene Wash hands frequently (especially before preparing food, before and after eating, before and after touching face, before and after touching others, after using restroom). Place hand sanitizer at all entrances and high traffic areas.
Respiratory etiquette Cover mouth and nose with tissue or elbow if sneeze or cough.
Personal items (phone, pens, computer, water bottles, food, eating utensils, toiletries and makeup) Avoid sharing
Screen for symptoms (self- or managed-) Implement more universally as feasible.
Screen body temperatures (self- or managed-) Implement more universally as feasible.
Stay home when sick Encourage use of virtual classes and telecommuting for even mild symptoms.
Stay home for possible exposure due to travel, participation in mass event, illness in household, or if notified by contact tracer Based on CDC travel recommendations, Governor Executive Orders, recommendations of state and local public health officials, and university requirements.
Clean and disinfect “high touch” surfaces frequently Deep cleaning by custodial staff at least daily and make disinfectant wipes readily available throughout the day for campus community use.
Communal equipment Limit use to fullest extent feasible, deep clean communal equipment in use at least daily, and make disinfectant wipes readily available throughout day if appropriate for equipment.
Hallways and public area Develop traffic flow patterns that decrease density
Elevators Encourage use of stairs, define appropriate capacity in signage at entrance, demarcate personal space on floor
Optimize building ventilation (filtration, air exchanges, percent drawn from outside) Recommended
University vehicles Physical distance (consider skipping rows in van), require facial covering, increase ventilation by opening windows when possible
Classroom Consider increasing distance learning
Computer Labs Consider decreasing in-person density to 25%.
Education and Research Labs Clean and disinfect common equipment, consider physical barriers (plexiglass) when physical distance is not possible, avoid face to face seating without barrier, utilize managed-symptom and temperature screening
Communal areas (e.g. Library, LSC, Rec Center, Coliseum, Stadium, Concert halls, theatres) Limit use as feasible and appropriate.
Social gatherings Limited basis utilizing personal protective measures such as physical distancing and facial covering.
Lines Discourage crowding and avoid forming long lines, demarcate personal space on floor, ensure appropriate officials are present to monitor and provide guidance.
Performances, exhibitions, and other activities sanctioned by the university that are unable to utilize personal protective measures Consider virtual practices or rehearsals. If still meeting in person, continue to cohort groups, encourage social responsibility to avoid other risky behaviors and utilize personal protective measures at all times when possible, perform self- or managed-symptom screening daily, perform self- or managed-temperature screening 1-2 times per day.
Miscellaneous Services
Student support services Consider only providing services via distance delivery format, ensure above mitigation measures are in place for services delivered in person
Financial transactions Online payment options/services are encouraged and ensure above mitigation measures are in place for services delivered in person.
Cafeterias and restaurants Avoid long lines, decrease density and avoid seating facing others less than 6 feet, encourage take-out
Residence Halls Cautiously utilize all above mitigation measures. Further limit use of communal areas and discourage spontaneous social gatherings. 
Rec Center
Risk of transmission has been correlated to increasing level of exertion in closed spaces.
Discourage or avoid high intensity workouts in closed spaces. Consider virtual group options.
Healthcare-mental health Professional services predominately rendered by telehealth, group counseling via teleconferencing, facial coverings to be worn by all persons in Counseling Center
Healthcare-medical Schedule appointments based on clinical acuity, staffing, and PPE. Services should predominately be rendered via telehealth. Screen all patients for symptoms and risk. Screen body temperature for all in-person visits. Facial coverings to be worn by all persons in clinic
Vulnerable students Encourage utilization of virtual learning options and avoid communal housing
Vulnerable faculty and staff Encourage use of single occupancy work rooms, telecommuting if feasible, or to work with supervisor and HR for other possible accommodations
Mass events Consider cancelling or utilize virtual option
Social responsibility Emphasize the service culture of SHSU to encourage voluntary implementation of personal preventive and other mitigation measures for individual safety and that of others
Physical distancing Stay 6 feet away from others
Facial covering Face coverings worn when near others outside your household
Hand hygiene Wash hands frequently (especially before preparing food, before and after eating, before and after touching face, before and after touching others, after using restroom). Place hand sanitizer at all entrances and high traffic areas.
Respiratory etiquette Cover mouth and nose with tissue or elbow if sneeze or cough.
Personal items (phone, pens, computer, water bottles, food, eating utensils, toiletries and makeup) Avoid sharing
Screen for symptoms (self- or managed-) Implement in all group settings still in operation.
Screen body temperatures (self- or managed-) Consider implement in all group settings still in operation.
Stay home when sick Move to virtual classes and telecommuting for all as much as possible regardless of symptoms
Stay home for possible exposure due to travel, participation in mass event, illness in household, or if notified by contact tracer Based on CDC travel recommendations, Governor Executive Orders, recommendations of state and local public health officials, and university requirements.
Clean and disinfect “high touch” surfaces frequently Deep cleaning by custodial staff at least daily and make disinfectant wipes readily available throughout the day for campus community use.
Communal equipment Avoid use if possible
Hallways and public area Close public areas
Elevators Encourage use of stairs, define appropriate capacity in signage at entrance, demarcate personal space on floor
Optimize building ventilation (filtration, air exchanges, percent drawn from outside) Recommended
University vehicles Avoid transporting others
Classroom Move to distance learning only
Computer Labs Consider only offering remote access.
Education and Research Labs Cancel or move to distance learning only
Communal areas (e.g. Library, LSC, Rec Center, Coliseum, Stadium, Concert halls, theatres) Limit or avoid use.
Social gatherings Avoid
Lines Avoid crowding or forming lines
Performances, exhibitions, and other activities sanctioned by the university that are unable to utilize personal protective measures Cancel or move to virtual practices or rehearsals only
Miscellaneous Services
Student support services Only provide services via distance delivery format
Financial transactions Online payment options/services are encouraged and ensure above mitigation measures are in place for services delivered in person.
Cafeterias and restaurants Avoid forming lines, minimize density and avoid seating facing others less than 6 feet, take-out only
Residence Halls Cautiously utilize all above mitigation measures. Eliminate use of communal areas and discourage spontaneous social gatherings. Encourage residents to move out of campus housing and release from residential contract at point of move-out without penalty. 
Rec Center
Risk of transmission has been correlated to increasing level of exertion in closed spaces.
Encourage solo or small group activities outside. Consider virtual group options.
Healthcare-mental health Professional services predominately rendered by telehealth, group counseling via teleconferencing, facial coverings to be worn by all persons in Counseling Center
Healthcare-medical Schedule appointments based on clinical acuity, staffing, and PPE. Services should predominately be rendered via telehealth. Screen all patients for symptoms and risk. Screen body temperature for all in-person visits. Facial coverings to be worn by all persons in clinic
Vulnerable students Encourage utilization of virtual learning options and avoid communal housing
Vulnerable faculty and staff Encourage use of single occupancy work rooms, telecommuting if feasible, or to work with supervisor and HR for other possible accommodations
Mass events Cancel or utilize virtual option