Bruce O'Neal, MBA, PhD

Bruce O'Neal, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice
Office: DRCB 329
Phone: 936.294.3174
Bruce O’Neal is a strong, seasoned communicator with the ability to motivate, energize and lead marketing and communication professionals and aspiring students to successful outcomes. As a goal-oriented, collaborative, innovative and respectful professional, Dr. O’Neal exhibits a high level of personal integrity. He possesses an exceptional knowledge of integrated marketing, and creative practices with a focus on electronic and social media communication and cross-media and integrated marketing engagement.
He has spent decades in communication roles with the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, Baltimore City Public School System and Lone Star College System. Before joining Sam Houston State University as visiting mass communication faculty in the fall of 2015, he served as director of Marketing and Communications with Sam Houston State. There he directed a staff of nine and many student interns in duty areas that included public information, crisis communication, university video and photography, graphic design, and support to the president, Advancement and Alumni Relations offices.
Teaching Specialties
MCOM 3381 - Principles of Public Relations
MCOM 3382 - Principles of Advertising
MCOM 3385 - Advanced Writing for Public Relations and Advertising
MCOM 4390 - Campaigns for Public Relations and Advertising
Research Interests/ Recent Publications, Productions
O’Neal, R. (2022). Observing Advertising in an Underserved North Houston Neighborhood. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (IJMCER), 4(2), 251–253.
O’Neal, R.B. (2020). Bias theories contributing to the negative perceptions of Greenspoint, a rebounding Houston neighborhood. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research, ISSN 2581-7027. 2(5), 194-199.
O’Neal, Ronald (2018). Social Media Connectedness of Mass Communication Student. Journal of Education and Social Development, 2018. ISBN: 2572-9829. Volume 2, Issue 1. doi: 100.5281.
O’Neal, Green, Gergen, & Sun (2016). Exploring the Differences that Communication Medium has on Perception of Leadership Style: Does Communication Medium Affect the Leadership Rating of the Leader. Business Management Dynamics. ISSN: 2047-7031. Volume 6, Issue 2016.
Dissertation: Exploring the differences that communication medium has on rating of leadership style; 2015.
Interested in future research areas of communication satisfaction and communication competence as factors in leadership ratings.
Our Lady of the Lake University (The Woodlands, TX), Ph.D., Leadership Studies (Emphasis: Communication differences and medium), 2015
Howard University (Washington, D.C.) — B.A. (Emphasis Television Production), 1989
International Association of Business Communicators
North Houston Chamber of Commerce
Awards, Activities, Honors (selected and on behalf of SHSU)
Telly Award 2015
Dan Dunn: Leave Your Mark, Video/Television spot – Gold
Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts 2015
Award for distinction of use of music, high quality-low budget, promoting educational institution
Happy Holidays Video
Founders Day Music Video
Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Accolade Awards 2015
Dan Dunn: Leave Your Mark, Video/Television spot – Bronze
Sam Houston State University Founders Day, New Alumni Program – Gold
Facebook by the Numbers, Social Media Campaign – Silver
Bearkat All Paws In, Video/Student-Produced – Honorable Mention
Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Accolade Awards 2014
Heritage Magazine Online, Web-Online Magazine, Bronze
Distinguished Alumni Video – Damian Mandola, Silver
Telly Award 2013
“Gangnam Style Parody Video,” Silver (low budget, recruitment and education)