Survey of Assessment Culture

Survey of Assessment Culture

Guided by sound evidence and a commitment to excellent customer service, institutional leaders can use empirical evidence to increase institutional capacities to develop, maintain, or augment their culture of assessment.

The Survey of Assessment Culture:

  • sparks dialogue into the state of assessment,
  • provides an empirical foundation on factors influencing higher education cultures of assessment,
  • serves as a framework for initiating a dialogue into what a culture of assessment looks like, why it exists, and how it evolves, and
  • highlights similarities and uniqueness between higher education faculty, student affairs staff, and administrators' perspectives on assessment.

Beginning in 2018, institutions will receive enhanced reports, and, for the first time, data sets associated with participation in the Faculty, Administrators, or Student Affairs Surveys of Assessment Culture. There will be three periods to register for a Summer, Fall, and Spring administration of each survey.

Upcoming dates:

Registration due: September 20th, 2024
Launch date: October 14th, 2024
Survey closes: November 15th, 2024

Register TODAY for one, two, or three available surveys to enhance your institution's culture of assessment!

News: Email to be added to a database for announcements or to learn about updates.