Program Health Checks

Program Health Checks are made to support growth and refinement in existing programs by providing faculty with data about student demand, competitive landscape, and the rapidly changing workforce. Above all else, our Program Analytics team is here to provide support for your college and department.

2023 Health Check Process

2023 health check process

Note: The Program Analytics team facilitates this process via email with respective Chairs and Deans. Although a suggested timeline is proposed, this Health Check process is supplemental, therefore dates/deadlines for Chair and Deans’ review notes can vary, to acknowledge Colleges’ priorities for internal projects and assigned duties.

Program Health Check Timeline

Program health check timeline 2023

Program Health Check Metrics

The Health Check process is not limited to a data pull and is not meant to be an evaluation. We believe that Program Health Checks at SHSU should include context and insight from faculty, department chairs, and academic deans in order to provide a full picture necessary for effective strategic planning.

In 2023, a Health Check Baseline will be established for each program. This baseline will include data highlights that have been most helpful for colleges’ strategic planning in the past.

program health checks table.png

*Upon Request