

Capacity Assessment: involves evaluating the readiness and capability of an educational program to meet the demands of the job market within a particular industry or field. This assessment includes analyzing the number of program graduates in relation to the volume of job openings available. By identifying any disparities between workforce supply and demand, capacity assessment guides program improvements, curriculum adjustments, and strategic planning to ensure graduates are well-equipped to fulfill industry needs.

Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP): a standard numerical code for a post-secondary course of study, developed and defined by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics. The classification of instructional programs provides a taxonomic scheme that supports the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity.

Competitive Landscape: the competitive landscape refers to institutions within the state of Texas that offer a program under the desired CIP.

Completion: the number of degrees or certificates conferred for a specific course of study in a given year. (i.e., graduates).

Employers Competing: the number of employers that are advertising for the specific role defined in the search parameters and are therefore competing for the same talent. This is contrasted to the total number of employers that are hiring generally within the region.

Deduplication: the process of identifying duplicate job postings and only counting one of the duplicates.

Job Capacity: involves analyzing the employment outcomes of graduates from an educational program within a specific industry or occupation. This analysis focuses on assessing the competitive landscape for alumni in the workforce, evaluating the extent to which graduates secure positions that match their qualifications and align with the targeted industry. The aim is to understand the effectiveness of the educational program in preparing graduates for successful entry into the job market.

Posting Intensity: the ratio of total to unique (deduplicated) job postings. A higher than average posting intensity can mean that employers are putting more effort than normal into hiring that position. Posting intensity is available by occupation, by job title, by company, and by region.

Skills Gap: skills gap refers to the difference between skills sought by employers and those listed as qualifications from applicants.

Total Job Posting: the total and unduplicated number of online vacancies scraped from over 45,000 websites.

Unique Job Posting: the number of deduplicated job vacancy advertisements scraped from over 45,000 websites.

Work/Labor Force: Workforce and Labor Force are used interchangeably and encompasses all employed individuals as well as individuals seeking jobs.