Montse Feu, Ph. D.

Dr. Montse Feu is an associate professor of Hispanic Studies at Sam Houston State
University. She earned her MA in Humanities Studies at Hood College and her PhD in Hispanic Studies at the University of Houston. Dr. Feu has graduate certificates in Language Teaching Pedagogy, Women’s Studies, and Fascism, Modernity, Politics, Aesthetics”

Dr. Feu recovers and explores the US Hispanic antifascism and US Hispanic periodicals at large. She has edited volumes and authored manuscripts, chapters, and articles with academic peer- reviewed presses. Dr. Feu is the curator of Fighting Fascist Spain – The Exhibits, an interpretative digital archive and collection with the mission to recover, preserve and make accessible US Hispanic antifascist print culture launched in two repositories in (Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Digital Collections and Fighting Fascist Spain –The Exhibits).
These repositories show and link exhibits that preserve, make available and interpret US Latinx Antifascist primary sources. She is board member for the Recovering the U. S. Hispanic Literary Heritage and for the Research Society for American Periodicals, among other editorial advisory appointments.

Current research interests

  • US Latinx Antifascism
  • Spanish Civil War Exile
  • Contemporary Spanish Literature
  • Latino Print Culture and Literature
  • Heritage Learners
  • Women’s Studies

Selected Publications/Works

The Antifascist Chronicles of Aurelio Pego. . (Editor, transcriber, translator, and writer of critical introduction). Routledge, 2021.

Serving Refugee Children: Listening to Stories of Detention in the USA. (Co-edited with Amanda Venta). Peter Lang, 2021.

Fighting Fascist Spain. Worker Protest from the Printing Press. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2020.

Writing Revolution: Hispanic Anarchism in the United States. Champaign: University of Illinois Press (Co-edited with Chris Castañeda, 2019).

Correspondencia personal y política de un anarcosindicalista exiliado: Jesús González Malo (1943-1965). (Editor, transcriber, and writer of critical introduction). Santander: Colección Cuatro Estaciones. Universidad de Cantabria, 2016

“Spanish-Language Publications and Readers” Ronald J. Zboray and Mary Zboray (Eds). The Oxford History of Popular Print Culture, Volume 5: U.S. Popular Print Culture to 1860. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, 627-640.

The US Hispanic Flapper: Pelonas and Flapperismo in Spanish-language Newspapers 1920- 1929.”Studies in American Humor Journal.1. 2 (2015): 192-217. [Research Society for American Periodicals Article Prize (2016)].

“Antifascist Laughter in the Margins: Sergio Aragonés’s Mad Marginals” Cuadernos de Aldeeu 31 (Primavera 2017): 71-96.

“Transatlantic Trenches” in Spanish Civil War Journalism: Félix Martí Ibáñez and the Exile Newspaper España Libre (Free Spain, NYC 1939-1977).” Journal for the Study of Radicalism 10. 2 (Fall 2016): 53-78.

“Integración de literatura y lengua: la enseñanza de cursos básicos de español y la recuperación académica de periódicos hispano-estadounidenses" Doblele. Revista de lengua y literatura. 3 (Diciembre 2017): 31-49. DOI:

"Transformation Was Definitely Her Specialty": Teaching Representation with Roberta Fernandez's "Amanda." Interdisciplinary Humanities 31.2 (Summer 2014): 47-61.

List of courses regularly taught at SHSU

  • Spanish 2311: Intermediate Spanish I
  • Spanish 2312: Intermediate Spanish II
  • Spanish 3361: Spanish Grammar and Composition
  • Spanish 5371: Contemporary Spanish Literature
  • Spanish 3363: Survey of Spanish Literature II
  • Spanish 4075: Recovering Latino Periodicals
  • Spanish 4371: Spanish for Criminal Justice
  • Contemporary Spanish American Literature (undergraduate/graduate)