Summer Dance Intensive

SDI Mission Statement

The Summer Dance Intensive at Sam Houston State University is dedicated to furthering the artistic and technical range of emerging dancers. By linking stellar faculty with the next generation of dancers, the program aims to develop the artist and stress the importance of individual growth.All classes are held in SHSU Gaertner Performing Arts Center, located at 815 17th St. Huntsville, TX 77340. The 91,000 square foot building houses state-of-the-art facilities for the Department of Dance, including a specialized dance theater, four spacious dance studios with floor-to-ceiling windows, a Pilates and conditioning studio, an outdoor performance space, a costume shop, and a Mac Lab for innovative dance technology classes.


SDI 2025

Sam Houston State University Summer Dance Intensive
with Paul Taylor Dance Company guests 
Constance Dinapoli and Francisco Graciano


July 13 - 20, 2025


The Intensive classes run from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Saturday and from 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM on Sunday. The intensive concludes with a final showing on Sunday, July 20th at noon in the Montague Dance Theater. All SDI classes are held in the Gaertner Performing Arts Center, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas.

This dance intensive experience is for ages 13 and up. The day begins with ballet, yoga, or GYROKINESIS followed by a modern class in the Taylor style. After the students have lunch and an opportunity to chat with faculty, they explore contact improvisation or somatic study to re-warm up. The rest of the afternoon they are learning Taylor's repertory from distinguished Taylor alumni, and an element of the creative process connected to Taylor. The day ends with a cool down/stretch.



Once all forms and fees have been received, if accepted, you will receive an acceptance email with code for paying tuition, room and board.


Early Bird Deadline: April 1, 2025 (Non-refundable Registration fee must be received by this date)
Non-refundable Registration fee: $50
Tuition: $700
Single room and board: $425
Double room and board: $355


Regular Registration: After April 1, 2025
Non-Refundable Registration fee: $50
Tuition: $750
Single room and board: $425
Double room and board: $355


2025 Summer Intensive Contacts
SDI Intensive Director: Constance Dinapoli
SHSU Faculty Liaison and Summer Dance Intensive Master Teacher: Jennifer Pontius 
For questions about registration contact JAMIE ARLT, Assistant to the Chair, at JDA033@SHSU.EDU.
For questions about the intensive activities, see FAQs below. 


Click here for FAQs regarding intensive activities, what to bring, etc.

Department of Dance
815 17th Street, Suite 150, Huntsville, TX 77340
Phone: (936) 294-3342 or (936) 294-1875 | E-mail: