Ms. Haitrieu Nguyen


Although I was born in Vietnam, I have lived in Houston most of my life.  Perhaps because of that journey half-way around the world from my birthplace, I am a curious person prone to travelling and discovering new cultures, ideas, and modes of thought.  Traveling allows me to see differences and similarities among all ethnic groups.  This combined with my work in the survey research industry for the past 20 years has led me to expand my world through sociology.  As a Bearkat, I earned my Master of Arts from Sam Houston University in 2016. I have been lucky enough to set foot in many countries which you may study about in my Introduction to Ethnic Studies class.   

Currently, I am involved in a mental health initiative by the Hogg Foundation to strengthen the Houston community with a focus group on improving the well being of children, youth of color and their families.

My family also founded a non-profit organization a dozen years ago to assist the homeless in the Houston area.  Teaching is a continuum of my call to service.   Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”​

Classes Taught: Introduction to Ethnic Studies and Social Problems

Research Interests: Homelessness and mental health in the Asian communities

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