Today@Sam Article

Presentations, Contests To Continue 'Enrique's Journey' In Spring

Feb. 4, 2016
SHSU Media Contact: Jennifer Gauntt

In the fall semester, the Sam Houston State University Common Reader Program introduced its 2015-16 selection “Enrique’s Journey” with a series of classroom activities, contests and a forum of presentations that delved into the book’s themes.

This spring, the Common Reader Program will initiate for the first time a second series of programming and contests to continue the discussion about the Honduran boy who quests to find his mother after she immigrated to the United States 11 years before.

Spring "Enrique's Journey" Presentations

Feb. 17, 4-5:20 p.m.: “Migration Across the Isthmus: History and a Personal Journey to Ixtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico,” with Charles Heath

March 1, 2-3:20 p.m.: "Immigration and Naturalization: Facts & Myths," with Audrey Biggar

March 17, 12:30-1:50 p.m.: "Many Journeys: Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Unaccompanied Immigrant Teens," with Amanda Venta 

*All three presentations in Academic Building IV's Olson Auditorium (Room 202)

April 18-21: WASH Program Art Exhibit & Inflatopia, LSC Art Gallery & LSC Mall

“The SHSU Common Reader has increasingly been adopted in classrooms across campus for both fall and spring semesters each year. Because of this increase in interest, faculty have requested co-curricular support for their spring students to provide enrichment opportunities that complement student coursework in each semester of the book adoption period,” said Kay Angrove, director of SHSU Student Success Initiatives.

“The addition of spring scholarship contests gives students a chance to read a book about topics relevant to their lives, to learn more by attending a lecture and to have an opportunity to apply for a scholarship, even if they are not currently studying the book in a class this semester,” she said.

SHSU associate professor of history Charles Heath will kick off the first of three spring presentations on the themes of “Enrique’s Journey” on Feb. 17, with “Migration Across the Isthmus: History and a Personal Journey to Ixtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico,” from 4-5:20 p.m. in the Academic Building IV Olson Auditorium (Room 202).

Heath’s presentation will focus on Albergue de Migrantes, a migrant shelter located in Ixtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico, which provides a historical context for the region of the Isthmus of Tehauntepec and southern Mexico.

“Enrique passed through Ixtepec on his journey, along the railroad trail that so many migrants travel en route to Mexico City,” Heath said. “My wife is from near Ixtepec and I have visited the shelter a couple times, as well as met and talked to migrants there.” 

On March 1, attorney Audrey Biggar will return to discuss facts and myths about the immigration and naturalization laws from 2-3:20 p.m. in AB IV’s Olson Auditorium.

Finally, on March 17, SHSU assistant professor of psychology Amanda Venta will share “Many Journeys: Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Unaccompanied Immigrant Teens” from 12:30-1:50 p.m. in the AB IV Olson Auditorium.

Venta’s presentation will describe factors that may affect adolescent immigrants’ risk for mental illness and discuss how mental health providers, educators, and members of the community can help support a healthy trajectory for adolescent.

“As educators and students dedicated to lives of service, learning about the mental health needs of this population is a critical steps toward meeting these needs in the future,” she said.

In addition to the presentations, the Common Reader Program will resurrect some of its contests for a spring version.

Spring "Enrique's Journey" Contests

Essay Contest: prizes awarded for best freshman essay and best essay by a sophomore, junior or senior. Deadline—April 1.

Art Contest: prizes awarded for WASH students in three categories, "Best of Show," second place and honorable mention. Deadline—April 14.

NGL Social Media Contests: daily prizes will be awarded by answering questions through the NGL Facebook page, at "shsulibrary," through April 21.

For more information, visit  

Students can earn up to $250 in an essay contest that will ask students to consider an idea in author Sonia Nazario’s prologue of “Enrique’s Journey”— that “the migrants I spent time with gave me an invaluable gift. They reminded me of the value of what I have. They taught me that people are willing to die in their quest to obtain it”—and then in an essay weigh what migrants may value about this story or sacrifice to get it.

Prizes will be awarded for the best freshman essay, as well as the best essay by a sophomore, junior or senior. The submission deadline is 4 p.m. on April 1.

An art contest will allow students in the Workshop in Art Studio and History to creatively express their understanding of themes related to “Enrique’s Journey.” Three prizes will be awarded—$150 for “Best of Show,” $100 for second place and $50 for honorable mention—and the submission deadline is April 14.

Finally, throughout the months of February, March and April, until April 21, the Newton Gresham Library will offer various prizes—including Starbucks gift cards—for their daily Facebook contest.

To participate, currently enrolled students, faculty and staff members should “like” the NGL Facebook page, at “shsulibrary,” and answer the daily question. The contest will include two posts per day during the Monday through Friday workweek.

Students, faculty or staff interested in picking up a copy of “Enrique’s Journey” can do so in the SSI Office, in AB IV Room 202.

For more information on any of the “Enrique’s Journey” spring events, visit or contact the Student Success Initiatives Office at 936.294.3422 or For more information on the contests, visit

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