The STEM Center at SHSU


Welcome to the STEM Center at Sam Houston State University.

  • Faculty and Students from Catapult into STEM
    Faculty and Students from Catapult into STEM
  • Dr. Walker giving instruction
    Faculty giving instruction during Summer Bridge
  • The 1879 Project
    Students working on the 1879 Project during the Summer Bridge
  • The 1879 Project(2)
    Students collaborating together
  • Studying students
    Students working together after instruction is given of Physics & Math topics
  • Presentation
    Students gathered for a Workshop covering Internships

In Fall 2017, Sam Houston State University was fortunate to receive an award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to establish a STEM Center on our campus. This award (proposal no. 1725674) was made by the Division of Undergraduate Education of the NSF, part of the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) program. Over the next five years, more than $2 million of NSF IUSE funding will transform the way our institution prepares SHSU undergraduates for STEM careers.

Upcoming Events

STEM News and Updates

An IUSE On-Demand Workshop


The STEM Center at SHSU seeks to increase the number and quality of STEM graduates by establishing a strong foundation for learning using innovative teaching practices and supporting students in finding research and internship opportunities and building lifelong skills needed for advancement and leadership in STEM careers.


The objectives of the SHSU STEM Center are to:

Equip incoming STEM students with adequate preparation and tools for success in those courses traditionally difficult for first and second year STEM students.

  • Aid students in developing skills to maximize performance in math, engineering and science classes and create positive attitudes required to acclimate to college life and succeed academically.
  • Connect undergraduates with faculty members and graduate students; facilitate research experiences for undergraduates.
  • Provide research-related networking and internship opportunities in addition to advising students about graduate school preparation and career opportunities.
  • Improve the quality of STEM undergraduate education by expanding the use of Inquiry-Based Learning and Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning across STEM disciplines.
“Partial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation's Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) program under Award No. 1725674. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.”