Journal of Multidisciplinary Graduate Research Volume 2

Volume 2, Issue 1

Middle Class Piety in the Royal Navy

Scott Thormaehlen
Sam Houston State University

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Middle Class Piety in the Royal Navy

The Reformation transformed English society from a Catholic to an Anglican regime and the emphasis on sacraments and works were replaced with the written word and faith-alone as the means to attain salvation. The religious and political reforms directly impacted the English navy and the role of religion at sea.

Key words: Church of England, Catholic, Middle Class, Navy, religious and political reforms


The Politics of Literacy and the Qashqa'i Nomads of Iran

Theresa C. Bodon
Sam Houston State University

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The Politics of Literacy and the Qashqa'i Nomads of Iran

This article examined the educational philosophies of the nomadic tribes of Iran and focused on the Qash qa’i culture. The articles, books, interviews, and documentary emphasized the shift in Qash qa’i traditional and formal state-supported education within a socio-historical framework of the Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary periods.

Key words: Qash qa'a culture, Revolutionary period, Iran, Literacy


The Efficacy of Pullout Programs in Elementary Schools: Making it Work

Naomi Fernandez
Lone Star College
James W. Hynes
Sam Houston State University

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The Efficacy of Pullout Programs in Elementary Schools: Making it Work

This study investigated the teacher’s perspective on the efficacy of pullout programs and whether they, compared to inclusion programs, provided a superior academic and social benefit to students with learning disabilities. The qualitative study interviewed 25 general classroom teachers from 2 suburban elementary schools in Texas to analyze the efficacy of the program and provide ideas for improvements.

Key words: Elementary School, pullout program, learning disabilities, classroom


The impact of Pleasure Reading on Academic Success

Christy Whitten
Sam Houston State University

Sandra Labby
Texas A&M University-Texarkana

Sam L. Sullivan
Sam Houston State University

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The impact of Pleasure Reading on Academic Success

Discovering ways to improve student academic performance is a common challenge in the modern classroom. This research study examined the reading habits of sixty-five high school juniors, aged fifteen to seventeen years, at a rural Southeast Texas high school. It was theorized that students who engaged in reading self-selected literature for pleasure would average higher grades in English, mathematics, science, and history than their non-reading peers..

Key words: academic achievement, academic performance, independent reading, pleasure reading
