Exchange Cached Mode Settings

Email caching is when copies of your emails are stored on your actual computer allowing them to load faster when you are looking through your mailbox. 

With your SHSU email account on the cloud, you now have the ability to set Cached Exchange Mode. This setting enables a better experience when you use an Exchange account because it stores local copies of your emails in your Outlook application, which provides quick access to your data. 

SHSU email accounts on the cloud are automatically set to locally store 12 months of emails. You can change the timeframe of emails that you want stored locally to your SHSU email account by using the settings below:

  1. In the Microsoft Outlook file menu click Account Settings
  2. Next, select Account Settings


  1. Select your email account 
  2. Then, select Change


  1. Check Use Cached Exchange Mode to download email to an Outlook data file
  2. Set the amount of emails you want stored locally in your Outlook application under Download email for the past
  3. Then, select Next


A notification will display stating that your account is successfully updated. You will then select Done and restart your computer for the changes to apply. 

Exchange 4