Student Rights

When addressing complaints or incidents, you have the right to:

  • Report or not report sexual misconduct to the university without discouragement and the right to have report promptly, equitably, and fairly investigated
  • Be treated with respect by university officials
  • Preservation of privacy, to the extent possible and allowed by law
  • Be informed of available resources such as counseling, medical, mental health, law enforcement, immigration, or services for victims/respondents, both on campus and in the community
  • Be fully informed of the sexual misconduct policy and process as described in the Sexual Misconduct Policy
  • Petition that any investigator, coordinator or university administrator be removed from the process on the basis of demonstrated bias
  • Timely notice of any meetings
  • Be provided timely access to review relevant documents or materials, subject to privacy limitations imposed by state and federal law
  • Identify and ask the investigator to question relevant witnesses
  • Have a representative or advisor present (although not directly participating) during any meetings with Investigator, Coordinator, or Appellate Authority
  • Be informed in writing of the outcome and sanction of any investigation involving sexual misconduct
  • A finding and sanction (if any) based solely on evidence presented during the investigation
  • Appeal the finding and sanction of the applicable administrator, in accordance with the sexual misconduct policy
  • Have university policies and procedures followed without material deviation
  • Be informed in advance, when possible, of any public release of information regarding the complaint
  • Be informed by university officials of options to notify proper law enforcement authorities, including on-campus and local police, and the option to be assisted by campus authorities in notifying such authorities


Complainants have the right to notification of and options for interim safety measures such as changing academic and living situations after an alleged sexual assault incident, if requested and if changes are reasonably available. A formal complaint, or investigation, campus or criminal, is not required before this option is available. Accommodations may include:

  • Change of an on-campus housing to different on-campus location
  • Assistance from university support staff in completing the relocation
  • Arranging to dissolve a housing contract and pro-rating a refund
  • Academic assistance such as exam (paper, assignment) rescheduling, incomplete, withdrawal or alternative course completion, as available
  • Campus no contact order against respondent who has engaged in or threatens to engage in stalking, threatening, harassing or other improper behavior that presents a danger or threat of danger
  • Reassignment of work location
  • Escort or transportation assistance