Completed Research Projects or Investigations

  • Entrance to CBFS
  • CBFS Pasture
  • CBFS Lab
  • Tree Frog
  • CBFS Students

Upon completion of a research project, it is the responsibility of the PI to make sure that any equipment, including flagging, is removed from the site of the investigation. The CBFS Manager must be provided with copies of theses and publications arising from work done on the CBFS. If the results of the project are not published or included in a thesis, a written report must be submitted to the Director. The report should be prepared in standard scientific format using the original project outline as a guide.

Researchers are required to obtain all permissions for conducting research prior to their arrival at the CBFS and to comply with the CBFS data management policy. For multi-year projects, researchers must submit a new Research Project Application annually in January, along with an annual report (2-5 pages) containing information on the project objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.  Investigators will send the CBFS office two copies of all publications based on work at the CBFS, and to acknowledge CBFS assistance in their publications.

An important role of biological field stations is the acquisition of long-term, place based, data and research records.  There is growing pressure to manage such data and make it available for comparisons with data collected in other places.  It is the policy of the Center for Biological Field Studies to require all researchers to contribute their data to this end. Research records include, but are not limited to: copies of proposals (funded or not), publications, unpublished reports, field notes/notebooks, pertinent copies or transcriptions maps, analyses for the project, photographs (physical and electronic) including scrapbooks, electronic documents (i.e. email – especially items that help determine the thinking behind specific research decisions – these may be in exchanges of emails, notes, etc.).