Dr. Jade Zimpfer

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When starting my college career many years ago I thought that the way I could impact my community, and the world, was to become a medical doctor. It wasn’t until I took a Sociology course at Sam Houston State University that I developed my sociological imagination and realized that the way I would contribute to the world would be to understand sociological phenomenon and share that understanding in the hopes of impacting social issues. I deviated for a brief time by getting my MA in American Studies at Rutgers University, but found my back by completing my PhD at the University of Edinburgh. As a native Texan and fellow Bearkat Alum, I found my way back to the university that started it all; and after completing my PhD began teaching at Sam Houston State University.  I enjoy teaching and working with students to help them achieve their academic goals.  I have mentored and supervised several students on independent research projects and honors contracts through the Elliott T. Bowers Honors Program.

Classes Taught: Principles of Sociology and Socialization, Social Control and Deviant Behavior

Research Interests: Ethnicity and Culture, Appalachia, the American South, Ethnography, Social Impact Assessment, Program Evaluation, Historical Sociology, Artifact Ethnography, Social Capital, GIS, Rural Sociology, Community Studies, and Sociology of Health

Selected Publications: 

  • Zimpfer, Mariah Jade. (forthcoming). Diabetes and Stigma: How the Perception of Stigma Impacts Social Capital. Qualitative Sociology.
  • Zimpfer, Mariah Jade. 2018. Exploring Sociology. Iowa: Kendall-Hunt.
  • Zimpfer, Mariah Jade. 2017. Navigations: Readings in Contemporary Sociology. Iowa: Kendall-Hunt.

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