Ms. Caron Cates

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As a pool faculty member for the past eight years, I currently teach multiple sections of Introduction to Ethnic Studies and a summer section of Social Problems and am the Correspondence grader for Social Problems, Race and Ethnic Inequality, Marriage and the Family and Cultural Anthropology.

I am a Sam Houston Bearkat, receiving my undergraduate BS in Sociology from the university in Fall 1999 and a master’s degree in Sociology with emphasis on Inequalities and Social Change in Spring 2003. I am currently working on a second master’s degree in Military History and on my PhD at Texas A&M.

My areas of interest are Social Inequality, Race and Ethnic Studies, Sociology of the Community, Social Change, and Feminist Theory. I have presented several papers on these topics at professional meetings and co-authored the book chapter, “Resisting Integration in the Global-Agro System: Corporate Chickens and Community Controversy in Texas,” in the book Globalization, Localization, and Sustainable Livelihoods edited by R. Almas and G. Lawrence.

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