Ph.D. Dissertations


Randall P. McCauley "A Plan for the Implementation of a State-Wide Regional Police System" Chair: Wayland Pilcher

Ronald J. Waldron "Police Promotions: A National Survey of Promotional Methods for Sergeants" Chair: Billy Bramlett

Robert L. Frazier "Evaluation of Social Services Projects" Chair: Don Kirkpatrick

John R. Altemose "The Criminal Justice System of the Future" Chair: Wayland Pilcher

Chester L. Quarles "Forensic Science: A Survey of Crime Laboratories in the State of Texas" Chair: Don Kirkpatrick

Jagdish C. Uppal "A Court Administration Model for the State of Texas" Chair: Glen Kercher


Hilary Q. Harper "The Youth Services Bureau of Texas: Patterns and Directions" Chair: Charles Friel


Robert L. Marsh "A Descriptive Study of the Incidence of Communication Disorders of Male Inmates" Chair: Gary Copus

Alan B. Fliegel "Effects of Model Characteristics on Observational Learning of Inmates Release Center and Correctional Officers in the Diagnostic Unit" Chair: George Beto

Larry K. Gaines "An Examination of Organizational Models in Traditional and Innovative Police Departments" Chair: Merlyn Moore

Paul H. Johnson "Pre-Trial Intervention: The Administration of Discretion" Chair: Charles Friel

William E. Stone "Factors Related to Escape Prediction" Chair: Wayland Pilcher


Thomas S. Woodard "The Effect of Biofeedback Training on Locus of Control" Chair: Gregory Riede


Charles L. Johnson "A Comparative Study of Vocational Interests in University Law Enforcement Students, Police Recruits, and Men in General" Chair: Gregory Riede

Ronald W. Robinson "A Model System for Acquisition, Analysis, and Application of World Crime Statistics" Chair: Charles Friel

Michael W. Neustrom "Goal Perspectives of Criminal Justice Education: A Comparative Study" Chair: Merlyn Moore

James C. Benson "Organized Crime Control: A Revisionist Policy Perspective" Chair: Wayland Pilcher

Thomas E. Sullenberger "The Magnet Phenomenon in Criminal Justice Education" Chair: Gary Copus


Allen R. Beck "The Art and Methods of Criminal Justice Forecasting" Chair: Charles Friel

Nicholas. A. Astone "Comparison of Parole Officers' and Parole Violators' Perceptions on Factors Related to Recidivism in Louisiana" Chair: Billy Bramlett

Barbara L. Hart "Behavioral Effects of Videotaped Testimony" Chair: Glen Kercher

Richard A. Lawrence "The Measurement and Prediction of Police Job Stress" Chair: Gregory Riede

Floyd L. Stewart "The Long Haul Trucker: A Study of Subculture and Deviance" Chair: Jeanne Young

Christine Strosnider "Leadership by Women In Criminal Justice: There is Room at the Top" Chair: Billy Bramlett


Timothy A. Capron "A Descriptive Exploratory Study of Child Sexual Abuse in Texas" Chair: John Matthews

Thaksin Shinawatra "An Analysis of the Relationship between the Criminal Justice Educational Process and the Attitude of the Students Toward the Role of Law" Chair: George Beto

Bruce L. Heininger "Incompetency to Stand Trial: A Sentencing Study" Chair: John Matthews

James B. Moore "Rural Victimization in Texas" Chair: Raymond Teske

Louis R. San Marco "Differential Sentencing Patterns Among Criminal Homicide Offenders in Harris County, Texas " Chair: Raymond Teske


Thomas L. Broussard " A Comparative Analysis of Black and White Inmates Entering the Texas Department of Corrections during 1966 and 1976" Chair: Raymond Teske

Harold E. Williamson "Factors Related To Sentencing of Institutionalized Homicide Offenders in Texas" Chair: Billy Bramlett

David L. Carter "Hispanic Attitudes Toward Crime and Justice in Texas: A Study of Perceptions and Experiences" Chair: John Matthews

Carl L. Farnsworth "A Descriptive Study of the Incidence of Communication Disorders of Male Inmates" Chair: John Matthews

Richard N. Holden "A Study of Motivation and Job Satisfaction in the Houston Police Department" Chair: Sam Souryal

Michael P. Pugh "The Effect of Unionization Versus Non-Unionization on Wage Determination in Municipal Police Agencies with One Hundred or More Sworn and Non-Sworn Personnel" Chair: John Matthews

Allen D. Sapp "An Exploratory and Descriptive Analysis of Grievance Procedures in Law Enforcement Collective Bargaining Agreements" Chair: Larry Hoover

Roger W. Turnquist "Assessing the Personnel Skills Development of Incarcerated Juvenile Delinquents" Chair: Robert Shearer


Barry D. Smith "The Impact of Unionization on Correctional Officer Wages and Fringe Benefits" Chair: Larry Hoover

Richard T. Dull "An Empirical Examination of Competing Theories of Drug Use" Chair: Frank Williams

Charles R. Jeffords "Attitudes of Texas Residents towards Criminal Sanctions against Forced Marital Intercourse" Chair: Glen Kercher

Eve L. Lieber "Law Enforcement Selection Requirements: A National Analysis" Chair: Larry Hoover

Jay D. Jamieson "Conditions of Rural Crime in Texas" Chair: Frank Williams


Damon L. Barbat "Carlos Marcello: An Analysis of a Career in Organized Crime" Chair: Billy Bramlett

Timothy N. Oettmeier "An Analysis of Relationships Among Demographic and Biographic Police Recruit Characteristics, Academy Performance, Field Training Evaluation, and Supervisory Evaluations" Chair: Larry Hoover

Carol A. Veneziano "Stress and the Line Correctional Officer: An Empirical Examination" Chair: Billy Bramlett

Robert G. Huckabee "Research Designs in a Comparative Criminology: Evaluation and Recommendations" Chair: Frank Williams

William E. Reed "Motivation of Inmates for College Enrollment and the Effect of Higher Education and Vocational Training Upon Inmate Discipline" Chair: Billy Bramlett

Michael F. Brown "Attitudes of Police Officers toward the Use of Deadly Force by Other Police Officers" Chair: Larry Hoover


Pedro Lopez "Perceptions of Fear of Crime: A Comparative Analysis of White, Black, and Hispanic Texas Residents" Chair: Frank Williams

Glenn C. Ware "The Monetary Impact of Collective Bargaining on State Probation and Parole Agencies" Chair: Larry Hoover

Dilip K. Das "Analysis of Police Human Relations Training: An Examination of the State-Mandated Curricula" Chair: Larry Hoover

David M. Horton "Penological Literature in Nineteenth Century English Language Serial Publications: A Content Analysis and Register" Chair: Charles Friel

Martin S. Meagher "Examination of the Variation in the Police Patrol Function by Agency Size and Agency Type" Chair: Larry Hoover

Joseph K. Price "Job Satisfaction as a Means of Increasing Productivity Among Correctional Officers in Texas " Chair: Sam Souryal

Gerard F. Ramker "An Assessment of Factors Affecting Criminal Case Processing Time in Misdemeanor Courts" Chair: Charles Friel

Susan F. Brinkley "The Use of Personality Inventory Measures among Incarcerated Felons: The Application of FIRO-B and FIRO-F" Chair: Billy Bramlett

Ronald J. Niksich "Application of the Megargee MMPI Offender Classification System to An Institutionalized Juvenile Delinquent Population" Chair: Glen Kercher


David B. Gulick "Crisis and Change in a Prison System: A Critical Analysis of Control Practices in the Texas Department of Corrections" Chair: Frank Williams

Pairat Pongchareon "Public Perceptions of the Police in Thailand" Chair: George Beto

Kenneth A. Ayers "The Processing and Prosecution of White Collar Crime by the States' Attorney Generals" Chair: Frank Williams

Daniel K. Dearth "Evaluation of the McAllen, Texas Court Mandated Human Relations Training Program" Chair: Merlyn Moore

Jack E. Enter "The Rise to the Top: An Analysis of Police Chief Career Patterns" Chair: Merlyn Moore

Charles B. Fields "The Intensive Supervision Probation Program in Texas: A Two-Year Assessment" Chair: Frank Williams

Nadhapit Snidvongs "The Impact of Two Different Police Education Models on Dogmatism, Attitudes toward Change, and Attitudes toward Democratic Principles in Policing: A Study of Commissioned Police Officers in Bangkok, Thailand" Chair: Larry Hoover

Kendall R. Stockholm "The Impact of Presumptive Sentencing" Chair: Raymond Teske

Michael H. Hazlett "Texas Homicides: An Explanatory and Predictive Approach" Chair: Raymond Teske

Saliba D. Mukoro "Public Perceptions of the Death Penalty in Texas" Chair: Frank Williams


Bahram Haghighi "Patterns of Victimization and Notification: A Multivariate Approach" Chair: Raymond Teske

Marilyn F. McShane "The Use of the Detainer in the Correctional Setting: an Examination of Conflict Theory" Chair: Dennis Longmire

William V. Wilkinson "Alcohol Drinking Patterns in a South Texas Mexican American Community" Chair: Ralph Marshall

Steven A. Egger "An Analysis of the Serial Murder Phenomenon and the Law Enforcement Response" Chair: Merlyn Moore

Thomas J. Hickey "A Comparative Legal Analysis of the United States Supreme Court Decisions in Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment Cases Under Earl Warren and Warren Burger" Chair: Rolando del Carmen


Jon R. Farrar "Achieving Prisoners' Right of Access to Court" Chair: Rolando del Carmen

Mary L. Parker "Judicial Intervention in Correctional Institutions; The Arkansas Odyssey" Chair: Rolando del Carmen

Roger Pennel "Recidivism by Alcohol Abusing Probationers" Chair: Charles Friel

Douglas Shannon "Correctional Executives: Climb to the Top" Chair: Merlyn Moore

Ben Y. Tseng "Fear of Crime: A Test of Theoretical Model" Chair: Frank Williams

Dante R. Pena "Learning Disabilities and Juvenile Delinquency: An Exploration of Causal Processes" Chair: Jeanne Young


Samuel L. Dameron "Societal Perceptions of Rape and Rape Victims" Chair: Frank Williams

Audrelee Dallam-Murphy "The 'New Female Criminal': A Test of Adler's Hypothesis" Chair: Ralph Marshall

Robert S. Fong "A Comparative Study of the organizational Aspects of Two Texas Prison Gangs: Texas Syndicate and Mexican Mafia" Chair: Ralph Marshall

Robert A. Jerin "Police Civil Liability to Crime Victims for Failure to Provide Protection" Chair: Rolando del Carmen

Lester W. Keaton "Cruel and Unusual Punishment: An Evolving Standard" Chair: Rolando del Carmen

Pablo E. Martinez "A Study of the Predictive Validity of the Pablo Scale: A Parole Guideline Approach" Chair: Charles Friel


Mary E. Pelz "The Aryan Brotherhood in Texas: An Analysis of Right-Wing Extremism in the Texas Prisons" Chair: George Beto

Michael B. Blankenship "Corporate Power and the Behavior of Law: A Multivariate Analysis" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Ming-Chwang Mark Chen "An Analysis of Citizen Contacts with Police" Chair: Larry Hoover

Gregory A. Clark "The Effect of Neighborhood Diversity on Fear of Crime: A Comparison of Individual and Aggregate Level Data" Chair: Frank Williams

Victor E. Kappeler "State and Municipal Civil Liability for Police Negligent Performance of Select Services and Functions" Chair: Rolando del Carmen

Harry L. Marsh "Crime and the Press: Does Newspaper Crime Coverage Support Myths About Crime and Law Enforcement" Chair: Victor Strecher

Laura J. Moriarty "A Social Learning Approach to Explaining Fear of Crime" Chair: Frank Williams

Michael J. Devine "An Analysis of the Physical Demands Encompassed in Policing: A New York Study" Chair: Larry Hoover

Joseph B. Vaughn "Case Flow Management: Translating Theory into Practice" Chair: Dennis Longmire


Peter B. Kraska "The Criminalization Approach to the Illegal Drug Problem: A Descriptive Analysis of the Processing of Felony Drug Arrestees" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Harlee I. Field "Two Models of Police Post-Shooting Trauma Measurement: Hassles and Life Events" Chair: Jeanne Young

Helen M. Eigenberg "Male Rape: An Empirical Examination of Correctional Officers' Attitudes toward Rape in Prison" Chair: Victor Strecher

Yong Jin Kim "The Pragmatist Heritage in the American Criminological Tradition: Influence of the Social Thought of John Dewey and George Herbert Mead on the Criminological Works of Edwin H. Sutherland and Clifford R. Shaw" Chair: Victor Strecher

Elizabeth McConnell "An Examination of Relationships Among Fear of Crime, Crime Seriousness, Crime Victimization, and Crime Precaution Behaviors" Chair: Dennis Longmire

James L. O'Keefe "An Empirical Analysis of High Speed Police Pursuits: The Houston Police Department's Experience" Chair: Larry Hoover


Betty A. Crews "The Rise to the Tap· An Analysis of State Court Administrators' Career patterns. " Chair: Merlyn Moore

William P. Heck "Creating A Cadre of Police Leaders: A Study of Police Executive Development programs in the United States." Chair: Sam Souryal

Edward J. Schauer "A Validation of The Case Classification System in Texas probation: A Replication Study" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Harald O. Schweizer "The Effects of the Explusionary Rule on Vehicle Stops and Searches by Police. " Chair: Jerry Dowling

Jonathan R. Sorensen "The Effects of Legal and Extra-Legal Factors on Prosecutorial and Jury Decision Making In post-Furman Texas Capital Cases." Chair: James Marquart

Phillip A. Ethridge "An Analysis of the Police process pertaining to the Utilization of private prisons in Texas" Chair: James Marquart

Bill Tsangchang Lin "Volunteers in Law Enforcement: An Analysis of Volunteers' Perceptions and Experiences." Chair: Larry Hoover

Chien-Yang Albert Lin "The Analysis of Job-Belated Attitudes of Correctional Officers in Taiwan. " Chair: James Marquart


Agnes L. Baro "Effective Political Control of Bureaucracy: The Case of Hawaii's prison System" Chair: Victor Strecher

Harkristuti Harkrisnowo "Juvenile Justice in Indonesia: A Socio-Legal Analysis. " Chair: Raymond Teske

Regina S. Martin "A Comparative Analysis of the Pretrial Release Policies of Local Criminal Justice. Systems In Texas" Chair: James Marquart

Eve W. Trook "Complaining parties and Criminalization: Theory Testing Through Cross-Sectional Analyses of County Court Records." Chair: Dennis Longmire

Richard D. Sluder "An Examination of Probation Officers' Work ideologies and personality Type. " Chair: Robert Shearer

David A. Woods "An Analysis of peace Officers Licensing Revocation in Texas. " Chair: Larry Hoover


Jerome E. Jackson* "The Impact of Less-Punitive Values Upon the Role Perceptions of Correctional Officers and Their Attitudes Toward Treatment Programs for Inmates In the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-institutional Division" Chair: Raymond Teske

Frances P. Reddington "In the Best Interests of the Child· The Impact of Morales v. Turman on the Texas Youth Commission" Chair: James Marquart

Paige H. Ralph "Ecology and Delinquency in 1990: A partial Replication and Update of Shaw and McKay's Study in Little Rock. Arkansas" Chair: Margaret Farnworth

Jeffery T. Walker "Texas prison Gangs " Chair: James Marquart

Randolph T. McVey "The Historical Development Of The Administrative Process Of prison Discipline And Appeal In Texas" Chair: James Marquart


Bruce W. Gay "Policing Hard Core Offenders: An Analysis of Targeted Offender Programs in Texas That Use Pre-Arrest Targeting and post-Arrest Case Enhancement Strategies to Selectively Incapacitate Career Criminals" Chair: Larry Hoover

Robert J. Hunter "Shock Incarceration- An Impact Assessment Measuring Attitudinal Change In The Harris County Texas Courts Regimented Probation Program - CRIPP" Chair: Dennis Longmire

O. Elmer Polk "The Effects of Race/Ethnicity on the Career paths of Advanced or Specialized Texas Law Enforcement Officers" Chair: Larry Hoover

Madhava Bodapati "Analyzing the Texas War on Drugs During 1980-1989 and its Impact on the Texas Criminal Justice System from an Open Systems perspective" Chair: James Marquart

Frank Huang "A Conceptual Examination of the Determinants of Occupational Attitudes of Jail Personnel to the Republic of China" Chair: James Marquart

Michael Kaune "The Impact of Sentencing Reform on Sentencing Practices in Four States " Chair: Raymond Teske

Robert F. Scott Jr. "Prevalence of Illicit Anabolic Steroid Use Among Rural-Agrarian College Age Students " Chair: Wesley Johnson

Michael S. Vaughn "Deliberate Indifference: An Analysis of a Supreme Court Standard in Prison Civil Liability Claims for Medication Distribution and Inmate-on-Inmate Assault" Chair: Rolando del Carmen


James W. Golden "Implications of Correlates of Crime On the Use of Incapacitation as Crime Control Policy in Harris County. Texas" Chair: Steven Cuvelier

Gerald M. Jones "An Evaluation of the Super Intensive Probation Program in Harris County, Texas: Assessing its Diversionary Impact " Chair: Steven Cuvelier

Lou Jou Lee "An Evaluation of Neighborhood Watch Program in Taipei Metropolitan Police Department in Taiwan. The Republic of China" Chair: Larry Hoover

Sandra Wachholz "An Exploratory Content Analysis of the Coverage and Treatment of Feminist Scholarship in Introductory Criminology Textbooks Published Between 1985 and 1992" Chair: Dennis Longmire


James F. Anderson "A tracking Investigation on Participants of the Harris County Texas Courts Regimented Intensive Probation Program--CRIPP" Chair: Velmer Burton

Barbara A. Belbot "The Prison as Political Community: An Analysis of Legal Issues in Classification" Chair: James Marquart

Pornchai Kuntee "The Perception of the Police Toward the Drug Problem" Chair: Larry Hoover

Eugene E. Bouley Jr. "Prison Governance and the Management of Prisoner Misconduct: A Multivariate Analysis" Chair: Laura Myers

Thomas E. Caywood "Social Ecology and Urban Homicides: Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1987-1992" Chair: Raymond Teske

Kathryn E. Scarborough "An Analysis of Section 1983 Claims Against Law Enforcement in the Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals 1989-1993" Chair: Rolando del Carmen

Chloe Ann Tischler "A Test of Routine Activity Theory and Disaggregated Homicide " Chair: Raymond Teske

Eric J. Fritsch "An Assessment of Sentencing Strategies for Managing Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders" Chair: Laura Myers


Shihlung Huang "The War on Drugs and Displacement of Prison Admissions" Chair: Wesley Johnson

Leanne F. Alarid "Women Offenders' Perceptions of Confinement: Behavior Code Acceptance, Hustling and Group Relations in Jail and Prison" Chair: James Marquart

William P. Bloss "Privacy Issues Involving Law Enforcement Personnel : A Constitutional Analysis" Chair: Rolando del Carmen

Sutham Cheurprakobkit "The Attitudes of Thai Police Cadets Toward the Police Career " Chair: Raymond Teske

Katherine J. Bennett "A Family Model of Shaming and Delinquency: A Partial Test of Braithwajte's Reintegrative Shaming Theory" Chair: Margaret Farnworth


Barbara A. Sims "Thinking about Crime and Punishment: An Exploratory Analysis of the Public's Perception of Causation and Sanctions" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Terry Wells "Halfway House Counselors: An Empirical Assessment of Job Orientation" Chair: Wesley Johnson

Lydia Long "An Analysis of the Role of Mid-Management Among Large Texas Police Agencies " Chair: Larry Hoover

Mark Marsolais "Lethal Self-Help in an Urban Community: An Analysis of Justifiable Homicide in Houston, Texas 1987-1992" Chair: Kenneth Adams

Janet Mullings "Victimization Substance Abuse. and High Risk Behavior as Predictors of Health Among Women Offenders at Admission to Prison" Chair: James Marquart

Thatchai Pitaneelaboot "The Use of the I internet by Law Enforcement Personnel " Chair: Larry Hoover

Ting-Jung Tsai "Female Police Employee Perceptions of Job Satisfaction in a Large Metropolitan Police Agency: Policy Implications for the Retention of Policewomen and Female Civilian Personnel" Chair: Laura Myers

Susan Ritter "Exploring the Relationship Between Prison Misconduct and Recidivism " Chair: Steven Cuvelier


Craig Hemmens "Life in the Joint and Beyond: An Examination of I inmate Attitudes and Perceptions of Prison. Parole. and Self at the Time of Release" Chair: James Marquart

Deon Brock "Assessing the Impact of Penry v. Lynaugh " Chair: James Marquart

Robert Hawkins "Social Control in the Eastern Kentucky Subculture of Violence " Chair: Ruth Triplett

Hsiao-Ming Wang "The Sanctioning of Economic Crime in the Republic of China: The Socioeconomic Status-Sanction Hypothesis" Chair: Jurg Gerber

David Armstrong "An Analysis of the Effect of Higher Education on the Career Paths of Texas Peace Officers" Chair: Larry Hoover

Bruce Wilson* " Minority Officers' Perceptions of Discrimination in a Large Urban Police Department: Policy Strategies for Self-Actualization of Police Officers" Chair: Laura Myers


Tori J. Caeti "Houston's Targeted Beat Program: A Quasi-Experimental Test of Police Patrol Strategies" Chair: Larry Hoover

Dayton Hall " Ecology and Violence: A Social Ecological Study of Juvenile Violent Crime in Texas 1990" Chair: Raymond Teske

Jennifer Frisbie " Evaluating the Client Management Classification System: An Application Fuzzy Sets to Criminal Justice Decision Making" Chair: Steven Cuvelier

Clete J. Snell "Neighborhood Structure, Crime, and Fear of Crime: A Partial Test of Bursik and Grasmick's Systemic Neighborhood Control Theory" Chair: Margaret Farnworth

Brian Withrow "An Evaluation of Classroom-Based Cognitive Intervention in a Correctional Setting" Chair: Margaret Farnworth

Wendelin M. Hume "An Analysis of the Actions and Reactions of Judges in North Dakota to Victims of Domestic Violence" Chair: Raymond Teske


Derek J. Paulsen "Murder in Black and White: An Exploratory Analysis of the Newspaper Coverage of Homicide in Houston, 1986-1994" Chair: Victoria Brewer

George Eichenberg "Women and the Social Control System in Texas, 1850-1899: A Test of Black's General Theory of Social Control" Chair: Margaret Farnworth

James M. Ruiz "Drug profiling Cajun style : drug interdiction stops on Interstate 10 by the Louisiana State Police and deputies of the St. Martin Parish Sheriff's Department / by James M. Ruiz." Chair: Raymond Teske


Dorothy E. Merianos "Joining the Gang: A Reaction to Strain? A Partial Test of Agnew's General Strain Theory" Chair: James Marquart

R. Alan Thompson "Racial Integration in Law Enforcement Leadership: A View from the Top

Janice Ahmad "Congruence between Police Officers' Acceptance of Community Policing Concepts and Their Attitudes Toward Women Police Officers and Women in the Workplace" Chair: Larry Hoover

Frank A. Zeigler "Relationships between sexual harassment experiences and federal case


Jeffrey D. Dailey "An Investigation of Police Officer Background and Performance: An Analytical Study of the Effect of Age, Time in Service, Prior Military Service, and Educational Level on Commendations" Chair: Laura Myers

Stacey M. Thompson "Negotiation: The Strength of the Courtroom Workgroup and the Guilty Plea Process" Chair: Laura Myers

Donna M. Vandiver "Female Sex Offenders: An Analysis of Offending Patterns and Judicial Processing Characteristics" Chair: Glen Kercher

Che' D. Williamson "The Use of Expert Testimony to Prove Future Dangerousness in Texas Death Penalty Trials: The Current State of the Trial Courts' Role as Gatekeeper of the Evidence after Kelly v. State" Chair: Laura Myers

Maldine B. Bailey "An Exploration of Inappropriate Employee/Inmate Relationships in the Texas Prison System, 1990 through 1998" Chair: James Marquart

Tana M. McCoy "Indigent Defense: An Application of Conflict Theory in the Analysis of Driving While Intoxicated Cases" Chair: Wesley Johnson

Nathan R. Moran "The Globalization of Russian, Columbian, and Chinese Organized Crime from 1991-2001: A Time-Series Analysis" Chair: Richard Ward

Chad. R. Trulson "Judicial Intervention, Desegregation, and Inter-Racial Prisoner Violence: A Case Study of Inmate Desegregation in the Texas Prison System " Chair: James Marquart

Robert Hanser "Enforcement of Protective Orders to Domestic Victims - A Narrative Analysis in Harris County, Texas " Chair: Raymond Teske

Sean D. Hill "The Next Threat: A Predictive Modeling of the Survivability of Terrorist Organizations" Chair: Richard Ward


Cindy Moors "Crime Trends: A Cross-National Analysis of Homicide and Robbery Rates in 25 Countries" Chair: Richard Ward

John Kennedy "Workplace Violence A Typology: The Ability of NIBRS to Assist on Major Crime Problems" Chair: Doug Moore

Patricia King "Multicultural Competencies of Probation Officers" Chair: Robert Shearer


Jay Coons "Federal Probation Officers' Participation in Decision-Making on Their Psychological Success " Chair: Larry Hoover

Lisa Andrews "The Utility of Routine Activities Theory in Relation to Child Sexual Abuse" Chair: Janet Mullings

Gene L. Bonham "Sanctions Toward Effective Probation

Elizabeth DeValve "Through Their Eyes: Toward An Understanding of the Victimization Experience and the Formation of a Grounded Theory of Victimization" Chair: Phillip Lyons

Tammy S. Garland "Saving Our Youth: A Preliminary Assessment of the Adults Relating to Kids (ARK

Betsy Witt "Court Processing of Physical Child Abuse Offenders" Chair: Raymond Teske

Russell Young "A Time Series Analysis of Eco-terrorist Violence in the United States: 1993-2003" Chair: Richard Ward

Hongwei Zhang "Enforcement of Protective Orders to Domestic Victims - A Narrative Analysis in Harris County, Texas " Chair: Raymond Teske

Jiunn-Cherng Chiou "A Study of Job Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction in Taiwan's Police" Chair: Larry Hoover

Michael J. DeValve "Purpose, Power, Justice, and Marginalization: An Examination of Key Prerequisites for Diversity at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice" Chair: Phillip Lyons

Deanna L. Diamond "Crime Victim Services in Southeast Texas: An Exploratory Study of the Law, the Dream, and the Reality" Chair: Wesley Johnson

Won-Jae Lee "Federal Probation Officers' Participation in Decision-Making on Their Psychological Success" Chair: Larry Hoover

Leonard Peck "Hoeing a Long and Hard Row: Long Term Administrative Segregation of a Cohort of Texas Prison Inmates" Chair: James Marquart


Cary D. Adkinson "Power and Responsibility: Media, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Ideology in The Amazing Spider-Man" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Dale Brooker "Exploring the Expectations and Attitudes of Recently Released Inmates from the Texas Prison System: A Focus on Familial Support in the Reentry Process" Chair: Wesley Johnson

Yeok-il Cho "Examination of Law Enforcement Satisfaction and Strategies Among Korean American Juveniles" Chair: Robert Shearer

Mario Davila "After the Flood: Fraud Among the Elderly After Natural Disasters" Chair: James Marquart

William C. Hale "Twenty-First Century Terrorism, Twenty-First Century Answers: The Why and How of Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination of Open Source Intelligence" Chair: Richard Ward

Scott M. Mire "Correlates of Job Satisfaction Among Police Officers" Chair: Holly Miller

Sunghoon Roh "A Spatial Distribution of Calls for Service in Texas Suburbs: Macro-and Micro-Level Approaches" Chair: Larry Hoover

Patti R. Salinas "Texas Crime Victims Compensation: An Analysis of the Influence of Geographic Location, Race, Sex and Employment" Chair: Wesley Johnson

Claudia SanMiguel "An Evaluation of Neighborhood Watch Programs in Texas" Chair: Larry Hoover

Scott Vollum "Giving Voice to the Dead: An Exploratory Analysis of Executed Offenders' Last Statements and Statements of Their Co-Victims" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Ling Zhou "The effect of cultural factors on preferences for national drug policy: An international perspective" Chair: Robert Shearer


Kelly A. Cheeseman "Correctional Officer Stress and Job Dissatisfaction: A New Examination of an Age Old Phenomenon" Chair: Wesley Johnson

Unisa Lerdtomornsakul "A Study of Juvenile Drug Offenders in the Central Observation and Protection Center, Bangkok, Thailand" Chair: Steven Cuvelier

Scott A. Pray "Police Officer Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Their Job Preparation" Chair: Larry Hoover

Robert M. Worley "Correctional Employee Deviance within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice: A Quantitative Analysis" Chair: Wesley Johnson

Salih H. Can "Exploring Law Enforcement Decision Making: Developing and Testing Models through Incident Command Simulation Training for Law Enforcement" Chair: Richard Ward

Dawn M. Hayes "Juvenile Delinquency Prevention: Development and Evaluation of an Integrated Behavior Management Program" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Howard Henderson* "The Predictive Utility of the Wisconsin Risk Needs Assessment in a Sample of Texas Probationers" Chair: Holly Miller

Robert M. Werling "Disproportionate Minority Contact with the Police: A Service Utilization Analysis" Chair: Phillip Lyons

Franklin T. Wilson "A Qualitative Examination of the Core Cop Film Genre: Thirty Years of Instrumental and Expressive Police Violence " Chair: Wesley Johnson

Ashley G. Blackburn "The Role Perception Plays in the Official Reporting of Sexual Assault; An Examination of Females Incarcerated in the State of Texas" Chair: Janet Mullings

Adam L. Dulin "Development as Counterterrorism: An Examination of the Colombian Conflict" Chair: Richard Ward

Durant Frantzen "An Analysis of Factors Affecting Suspect Interrogations in a Sample of Texas Police Agencies" Chair: Larry Hoover

Horace B. Lyons* "The Effects of Bullying on Criminal Proclivities Subsequent Behavior: A Content Analysis and Theoretical Explication" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Daniel J. Mabrey "Tactical Terrorism Analysis: A Comparative Study of Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Culpability for Terrorist Bombings in Two Regional Low-Intensity Conflicts" Chair: Richard Ward

Stephanie A. Whitus "The Relationship of Victims' Perceptions of Child Physical Abuse and Adult-Formed Attitudes Toward Physical Forms of Discipline and Perpetrators of Child Physical Abuse " Chair: Raymond Teske

Minwoo Yun "A Study of Hostage Taking and Kidnapping in Terrorism: Prediction of the Fate of a Hostage" Chair: Mitchel Roth


Lance F. Hignite "Measuring the Impact of Neighborhood Incivilities and Other Variables Upon Fear of Crime and Perceived Likelihood of Victimization" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Robert G. Morris "Identity Thieves: An Exploration of Offenders, Tactics, and Media Constructions" Chair: Dennis Longmire

David W. Webb "The Efficacy of the Use of Competency Based Frameworks to Improve Police Performance" Chair: Richard Ward

Karon Murff "Digital Crime Investigation Trends in State and Local Law Enforcement " Chair: Larry Hoover

Prapon Sahapattana "An Analysis of Convenience Store Robbery: Social Disorganization and Routine Activity Approaches" Chair: Victoria Titterington

Robert A. Sarver " Jury Representativeness " Chair: Phillip Lyons

Ilhong Yun "Victims' Rights Movement and Victim Services Delivery in Texas: A Mixed Method Design Study" Chair: Glen Kercher

Michael Van Aelstyn "Crisis Negotiations: An Evaluation of Perceived Characteristics that Facilitate the Successful Conclusion of Crisis Situations" Chair: Larry Hoover

Tarik Eser "The Impact of the Turkish Policies and Actions Toward the PKK Terrorist Organization: A Time Series Analysis" Chair: Richard Ward

Shannon Fowler "Prison Rape-Supportive Cultural Beliefs and Inmate Perceptions of Sexual Assault: A Texas Inmate" Chair: Janet Mullings

Georgen Guerrero "A Grounded Theory on Prison Sexual Assaults" Chair: Janet Mullings


Irfan Demir "An Analysis of Shift Work in the Turkish National Police in Light of Herzberg's Motivation Hygiene Theory" Chair: Larry Hoover

Mary B. Sarver "Leadership and Effectiveness: An Examination of the Leadership Styles of Texas Police Chiefs and the Correlates of the Most Effective Leaders " Chair: Holly Miller

Vidisha Barua "Don't Tase Me, Bro! Police and Prison Officer Liabilities for Use of Tasers and Stun Guns" Chair: Michael Vaughn

Katherine M. Brown "Child Abduction Murder: An Analysis of the Effect of Victim Age, Victim Race, Victim Gender, Victim-Offender Relationship, Forensic Evidence, and Time and Distance Separation on Case Solvability " Chair: Janet Mullings

Ahmet Ekici "The Role of Law Enforcement Practices on Terrorist Recruitment: A Study of the Impact of Traditional and Community Policing Practices on the Recruitment Process of Terrorist Organization Members" Chair: Richard Ward

Hyunseok Jang "Evaluation of Compstat Policing Strategy Using Broken Windows Enforcement in Two Texas Police Departments: A Time Series Analysis" Chair: Larry Hoover

Matthew C. Johnson "Prevalence of White Collar Crimes in Turkey: Public Perception of Crime Seriousness, Victimization Rate, Citizens' Reporting Behaviors and Victim Characteristics" Chair: Mitchel Roth

Bitna Kim "General Power-Control Theory of Women: Using a Multigroup Sem Approach to Testing Mean Differences" Chair: Jurg Gerber

Shih-Ya Kuo "The Behavior of Prosecutorial Decision-Making in Taiwan - A Preliminary Application of Black's Behavior of Law" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Chang Bae Lee "A Longitudinal Study of Offenders Sentenced to Probation for Felony Driving While Intoxicated: An Event History Analysis of Recidivism" Chair: Raymond Teske

Hyeyoung Lim "Finding Explanations on the Growth of Incarceration and the Reductions in Crime: Incapacity or Social Threat?" Chair: Victoria Titterington

Aziz Ozmen "An Analytical Study of the Impact of Transformational/Transactional Leadership Styles on Job Enrichment within the Turkish National Police " Chair: Sam Souryal

Murat Sever " Prevalence of White Collar Crimes in Turkey: Public Perception of Crime Seriousness, Victimization Rate, Citizens' Reporting Behaviors and Victim Characteristics" Chair: Mitchel Roth

Hasan T. Arlsan "The Social and Operational Intersections of Environmental Extremism in North America and Europe" Chair: Richard Ward

Deborah J. Hartley "An Examination of Factors Impacting Type of Child Maltreatment and Case Acceptance for Prosecution" Chair: Janet Mullings

Monica Koenigsberg "Mediated Images of Crime and Justice: A Grounded Theory of One Strand of Discourse" Chair: Victoria Titterington

James R. Phelps "Policing after the Golden Hour: Lessons in Democratizing Police from Post-Conflict Stability Operations in West Germany and Japan" Chair: Willard Oliver


Vesna Markovic "Suicide Bombings and Lethality: A Statistical Analysis of Tactics, Techniques and Procedures" Chair: Richard Ward

Kevin D. Walsh "The Impact of Voluntary Participation in Programming on Recidivism of Juveniles Committed in a Correctional Facility" Chair: Willard Oliver

Junseob Moon "The Relationship Between Violent Crime and Individual Characteristics, Criminal History and Psychological Characteristics in the Sample of Korean Inmates" Chair: Glen Kercher

Daniel M. Stewart "Homeland Security Perceptions and Initiatives: An Examination of Texas Police Chiefs" Chair: Willard Oliver

Deirdre M. Warren "The Social Construction of the Katrina Evacuee: Formal and Informal Responses in Houston, Texas Post-Hurricane Katrina" Chair: Jurg Gerber

Kristen L. Welch "Do Angels Fall? An Analysis of Late Onset Offending and Substance Use in Adults Based on Findings from the National Youth Survey Family Study" Chair: Scott Menard


Tzu-Rung Yao Wu "A Study of Personality, Organizational Factors, and Job Satisfaction among Taiwanese Police Officers" Chair: Larry Hoover

Amanda Johnson "Elder Abuse and Its Handling in the Courts" Chair: Michael Vaughn

George James Day II "Family Time Behind Bars: The Effect of Visitation on Institutional Misconduct and Recidivism among Juvenile Offenders" Chair: Hee Jong Joo

Nhatthien Quang Nguyen "Assessment of Impact Factors on Crimes through the Use of Real-Time Crime Analysis" Chair: Larry Hoover

Michelle Yvette Richter "The Effect of Neighborhood Characteristics upon Police Response to Persons with Mental Illness" Chair: Larry Hoover


Kenneth W. Balusek "Attitude Adjustment? An Outcome Evaluation of the Effects of the Texas Cognitive Intervention Program on Incarcerated Offenders" Chair: Victoria Titterington

Seksan Khruakham "Assessing the Effectiveness of the 2001 Drug Policy and Drug Enforcement in Thailand: A Time-Series Analysis of Police Data" Chair: Larry Hoover

Jiletta Kubena "Convergence or Divergence: An Intergenerational Examination of Male and Female Offending" Chair: Scott Menard

Yung-Lien Lai "The Determinants of Public Attitudes toward the Police across Racial/Ethnical Groups in Houston" Chair: Jihong Zhao

Wendi Pollock "Disproportionate Police Contact: An Examination of the Correlates of Police Contact and of Perceptions of Fairness in Police Contact Situations across Time and Generations" Chair: Scott Menard

Kadir Akyuz "Terrorism versus Justice: A Cross-National Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Terrorism on Due Process and Individual Rights" Chair: Mitchel Roth

Alicia Deal "Real Men? The Reporting Behavior of Male Physical Assault Victims and the Institutional Response to Male Victimization" Chair: Victoria Titterington

Randa Embry "Applying the Concept of Self-Preservation to Criminological Theory: Reconceptualizing Low Self-Control and Its Resultant Behaviors" Chair: Phillip Lyons

Hoon Lee "The Impact of Neighborhood Crime Levels on Police Use of Force: An Examination at Micro and Macro Levels Using Geographic Information System Techniques" Chair: Michael Vaughn

Claire Nolasco "Liability of Corrections Officials for Inmate-on-Inmate Sexual Violence: Analysis of Case Law after Farmer v. Brennan " Chair: Michael Vaughn

Napoleon Reyes "Sexual Homicide in the Philippines: A Comparative Analysis of Single-and Multiple-Offender Cases " Chair: Victoria Titterington

Natalia del Rio Tapia Mansilla "Elder Abuse and Its Handling in the Courts" Chair: Michael Vaughn

J. Michael Bozeman "The Language of Suicide Victims and Homicide Offenders in Houston, Texas, Examined through a Grounded Theory Analysis of their Statements: A Qualitative and Exploratory Study" Chair: Randall Garner

Kyung Yon Jhi "Texan Gangs in Da Hood: The Impact of Actual and Perceptual Neighborhood Contexts on Gang Membership" Chair: Michael Vaughn

Hee Joo Kim "Exploring the Effects of a Restorative Justice Program: Internal Processes and Factors that Lead to Reintegrative Shaming - Impacts on Drunk-Driving Offenders' Perceptions" Chair: Jurg Gerber

Joseph D. Serio "Law Enforcement Perceptions of the Russian Mafia in the United States and Canada" Chair: Willard Oliver

Samuel V.S. Swindell "The Instruction of Law in Criminal Justice: Purposes, Methods, Content, and Faculty" Chair: Phillip Lyons


Hector M. Garcia "The Effects of Assimilation on Hispanics and Their Opinion of Local Police" Chair: Jihong Zhao

Joshua Hill "Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques for Dealing with Missing Data in Criminal Justice: A Simulation and Comparison of Missing Data Methods" Chair: Willard Oliver

Robert M. Pullin "Social Environmental Influences on Citizen's Perceptions of the Police" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Kim E. Schnurbush "Wrongful Convictions: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Police and Prosecutor Misconduct" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Ji Seun Sohn "Predicting Houston Residents' Perceptions of the Houston Police Department" Chair: Phillip Lyons

Abdullah Cihan "The Effects of Community Characteristics on Police Response Time to Crime: A Multilevel Analysis" Chair: Larry Hoover

Youngoh Jo "The Development of Self-Control: Source and Stability of Self-Control" Chair: Todd Armstrong

Joongyeup Lee "Examining Labeling Theory of Deviance: Integrative Modeling for Appropriate Validation" Chair: Scott Menard

Brenda Rowe "Police-Prosecutor Interaction Styles in Texas, as Perceived by Police Chiefs" Chair: Larry Hoover

Ling Wu "Space-Time Interaction between Repeat/Near-Repeat Shootings and Police Firearm Arrests in Houston, Texas" Chair: William Wells

Michael Cavanaugh "The ‘Worst of Both Worlds': Increased Law Enforcement Presence, Reasonable Suspicion, and Searches of Students in Public Schools" Chair: Michael Vaughn

Chi-Fang Lily Tsai "Civil Liability for Inefficacious Correctional Medical Care" Chair: Michael Vaughn


Milton Hill "Examining the Influence of Religious Attendance and Religiosity on Adolescent and Adult Substance use: A Longitudinal Study Utilizing a National Sample" Chair: Scott Menard

Yingyos Leechaianan "Public Confidence in Legal Authorities: An Analysis of Individual-Level and Country-Level Variables in an International Perspective" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Matthew Matusiak "The Dimensionality and Effect of Institutional Environment Upon Police Leaders " Chair: William King

David Rembert "The Utility of the Positive Achievement Change Tool in Predicting Assault among State Committed Youths" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Pierre Rivolta "Pretrial Diversion for First-Time DWI Offenders? An Evaluation of the ‘Divert' Program" Chair: Janet Mullings

Shawn Ryals-Keller "Epistatic Effects of Serotonin Transporter

Andrea Weiss "An Examination of the Effects of Military Service over the Life Course on Offending Behavior and Life Outcomes" Chair: Scott Menard

Wen Chih Huang "Broken Bonds: Crime and Delinquency of Foreign Immigrants in Taiwan" Chair: Jurg Gerber

John Marks Jr. "The Thin Green Line: A Socio-Historical Analysis of Conservation Law Enforcement in the United States" Chair: Willard Oliver


Cassandra Atkin-Plunk "Examining the Impact of Problem-Solving Court Clients' Perceptions of Procedural Justice on Compliance with Court Mandates and Recidivism" Chair: Gaylene Armstrong

Lisa Bowman "Answers to Questions: Do Words Matter? A Comparison of Methods, Distributions, and Correlated Data for Three Surveys: Monitoring the Future, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, National Youth Survey Family Study" Chair: Scott Menard

Maria Koeppel "A Multi-Theoretical Exploration of College Deviance based on Sexual Orientation" Chair: Matthew Nobles

Bora Lee "The Association between Parenting Styles and Children's Delinquency" Chair: Jurg Gerber

Valerie Mahfood "Costs of Capital Punishment in Texas: A Social Welfare Economics Analysis of Criminal Justice Policy" Chair: Dennis Longmire

Christine Nix "Hypnotically Refreshed Testimony in the United States: A Socio-Historical Analysis of Admissibility Standards" Chair: Willard Oliver

Melissa Ryan "If All Else Fails: An Analysis of Civilian and Police Justified Homicides in Texas" Chair: Raymond Teske

Kevin Steinmetz "A Badge of Honor and a Scarlett Letter: An Ethnographic Study of Hacker Culture" Chair: Jurg Gerber

Robin Jackson "Empirical Assessment of the Theory of African American Offending among a University Sample and a Partial Test of Gender Differences in African American Offending" Chair: Leana Bouffard

Jeonglim Kim "Examination of Six Aspects of Police Officer Stress: Looking into Organizational Stressors for Police Occupational Stress in South Korea" Chair: William Wells

Tatyana Menaker "Characteristics of Commercially Sexually Exploited Girls: A Comparison of Girls with and Without a History of Involvement in the Sex Trade" Chair: Cortney Franklin

Mai Naito "Reliability of Eyewitness Evidence: An Analysis of State-Level Decisions Using Manson v. Brathwaite's Criteria" Chair: Michael Vaughn

Melissa Petkovsek "Molecular Genetic Scaffolding of Maladaptive Behaviors and Victimization" Chair: Brian Boutwell


Atkins, Ben D. "The Newsmaking Criminality of American Neo-Nazi Groups 1991-2011: A Content Analysis" Chair: Dr. Willard M. Oliver

Campbell, Bradley A. "Predictors of Police Decision Making in Sexual Assault Investigations" Chair: Dr. William R. King

Fallik, Seth Wyatt "Criminal Investigations: If, When, and to What Extent does Detective Effort Impact Case Outcomes?" Chair: Dr. Larry T. Hoover

Grubb, Jonathan A. "Integrated Theory and the Path Less Traveled: Recognizing the Applicability of an Integrated Criminological Theory for Examining Violent Victimization" Chair: Dr. Leana A. Bouffard

Lu, Yi-Fen "The Interplay of Genes and Age-Graded Social Control in Predicting Offending Behavior: A Molecular Genetic Approach" Chair: Dr. Scott Menard

McCoy, Leah A. "Risk, Psychopathy, and Predicting Recidivism in Female Sexual Offenders" Chair: Dr. Holly A. Miller

Phetthong, Narin "A Study of Personality, Organizational Factors and Job Satisfaction among Thailand Immigration Police Officers" Chair: Dr. Larry T. Hoover

Shim, Hee Sub "A Longitudinal Study on Juvenile Attitudes toward the Police: Instrumental and Expressive Perspectives" Chair: Dr. Larry T. Hoover

Subjack, Jeanne Marie "Social Construction of Child Sexual Abuse: Age Proximity of Victims and Offenders and the Relationship to Offending" Chair: Dr. Raymond H.C. Teske, Jr.


Brinser, Kadee L. "An Examination of Perceptual Challenges Faced by Female Police Officers" Chair: Dr. Larry Hoover

Collins, Angela "Testing Anomie Theory on an Adult Population" Chair: Dr. Scott W. Menard

Gartner, Nancy "The Continuity and Interrelationship of Self-Reported Service Needs and Receipt during Prisoner Reentry" Chair: Dr. Erin Orrick

Hu, Xiaochen "Moving Toward the Electronic Community-Oriented Policing Era: Content and Strategies of Police Use of Social Media" Chair: Dr. Jurg Gerber

Lee, Jae S. "Attitudes toward the Police between General Citizens and Citizen Participation of Community Policing Programs: The Effect of Diffuse Support on Citizen Participation" Chair: Dr. Jihong (Solomon) Zhao

Li, Yudu "Correlates of Police Chief Turnover in Texas" Chair: Dr. William Wells

Luo, Fei "Perceptions and Reality: Dimensions and Correlates of Public Attitudes toward the Police" Chair: Dr. Ling Ren

Proctor, Amy "Native on Campus: An Examination of Fear of Crime and Victimization between Native American and Non-Native American College Students" Chair: Dr. Raymond Teske,

Sibila, Deborah "Citizenship Status and Arrest Patterns for Violent and Narcotic-Related Offenses in Federal Judicial Districts along the U.S.-Mexico Border (2007-2010)" Chair: Dr. Scott Menard

Smith, Mary Elizabeth "Age-Graded Thrill Seeking, Companionship, and Informal Social Control Among the Clients of Street Prostitutes" Chair: Dr. Jurg Gerber

Weisz, Elishewah Rosa "Stolen Valor: The People Who Commit Military Impersonation" Chair: Dr. Mitchel P. Roth

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